Minetest is a near-infinite-world block sandbox game and a game engine, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like.
Minetest is available natively for Windows, OS X, GNU/Linux, Android, and FreeBSD. It is Free/Libre and Open Source Software, released under the LGPL 2.1 or later.
Near-infinite maps
With a 620003 block playing area, there's no running out of space. Yes, the world height is also near-infinite.
Multiplayer support
Play by yourself, locally with your friends, or online with dozens of players on a server.
Multiple subgames
Want to install dozens of mods at once? You can. Want to play Hunger Games? No problem!
Modding API
Modify the game and add new content using the Lua programming language.
More features you can see on official sites:
Installation in archlinux:
$sudo pacman -S minetest
Installing mods:
List of mods you can see here:
First create mods folder in ~/.minetest
$cd ~/.minetest && mkdir mods
Extract the zip of mods, then paste on mods directory.
And Run Minetest ... :)
At the local games, you can play single player, or with your friend with same lan/wifi. Play online to join online server list. If you correctly place mods in .minetest/mods, it will available here:
To play single playe, click new, enter name of your worldname, seed (type anything that you want), type of world, choose minetest game, then create
After that choose configure, to apply mods.
If you want to build anything with unlimited resources choose creative mode:
Then choose play game, to start the games... :)
Here's the snapshot, i put the lava...... :D :D :D :
By default you can fly in minetest, like minecraft, to enable fly, press T, then type
/grant singleplayer all
press k to enable free move, then press left shift to down or enter to up..
Ok that's it... explore by yourself.... minetest have also android version you can download on google play
But you need gamepad, for better playing...