Whatsie is A simple & beautiful desktop client for WhatsApp Web. Chat without distractions on OS X, Windows and Linux.
WhatsApp Messenger is a proprietary, cross-platform, encrypted instant messaging client for smartphones. It uses the Internet to send text messages, documents, images, video, user location and audio messages to other users using standard cellular mobile numbers.
Whatsapp has a new features called "Whatsapp Web" with this feature, whatsapp user can chat with their contacts with browser. Whatsie use this features, and need whatsapp account that active on mobile devices.
Whatsie have native desktop notifications features, whatsapp theme, keyboard shortcuts and spell checker.
Official Sites:
Whatsie WhatsApp Messenger Client
In archlinux, whatsie available on AUR. Installation$mkdir whatsie$wget -c https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/whatsie.tar.gz$tar -xvzf whatsie.tar.gz$cd whatsie$makepkg$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz$whatsie
Here's the whatsie apps desktop interface:
Now open your whatsapp application on your mobile devices, and scan the QR Code to start chat with whatsapp.
Whatsie is ready to use, make sure your mobile phone have internet connected, if not, whatsie will not work.
Whatsie Theme.
There are some theme that you can choose on whatsie like these below.
Spell Checker.
Here's some language that support spell checker.
By default it support english, french, german, romania, russian, and spanish.
Ok that's it, enjoy whatsapp in Arhclinux