Hi bro/sis, well i have an Iphone 5C, usually on windows, it need itunes to transfer files from PC to Iphone. But when i'm using archlinux, i can't mount it or detect it, then i searching it on arch wiki then found these article.
Based on that article, i must install these packages:
gvfs-afc usbmuxd
Then just do the pacman -S to install those packages
What's difference when mount iphones in windows version, well with archlinux i can copy any files directly using file manager into iphones, no need 3rd application like itunes. Photos and videos that you capture using iphones can also be copy into archlinux system. And for other media like music it's same you need itunes or 3rd applications. I'm usually using EZMP3 for transfering music from archlinux system into iphones using wireless.
Well it's simple.
After updating to Latest IOS, the default menu when you insert the iphone is application folder. Like picture below:
If you want to open file like picture or videos that you capture using iphone, (DCIM folder), on the URL of file manager, delete ":3" (depend on your iphone when connected to archlinux). then enter, then default folder will be shown:
That's it.. :)
Based on that article, i must install these packages:
gvfs-afc usbmuxd
Then just do the pacman -S to install those packages
$sudo pacman -S gvfs-afc usbmuxd
Then reboot after install gvfs-afc and usbmuxd, now connect the iphone on PC, choose file manager that you want. (Pcmanfm, nautilus, dolphin, etc). Then the iphone's storage will be automaticly detected.
What's difference when mount iphones in windows version, well with archlinux i can copy any files directly using file manager into iphones, no need 3rd application like itunes. Photos and videos that you capture using iphones can also be copy into archlinux system. And for other media like music it's same you need itunes or 3rd applications. I'm usually using EZMP3 for transfering music from archlinux system into iphones using wireless.
Well it's simple.
After updating to Latest IOS, the default menu when you insert the iphone is application folder. Like picture below:
If you want to open file like picture or videos that you capture using iphone, (DCIM folder), on the URL of file manager, delete ":3" (depend on your iphone when connected to archlinux). then enter, then default folder will be shown:
That's it.. :)