Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Idesk - icon Manager for window manager (icewm, fluxbox, openbox, etc)

iDesk gives users of minimal wm's (icewm, openbox, fluxbox, etc..) icons on their desktop. The icon graphics are either from a svg or png (vector) file and support some eyecandy effects like transparency. Each icon can be confgured to run one or more shell commands and the actions which run those commands are completely configurable.
In a nutshell if you want icons on your desktop and you don't have or don't want gnome or KDE doing it, you can use idesk.
Official Sites:

Installation on Archlinux:
$sudo pacman -S idesk
$mkdir ~/.idesktop
$cp /usr/share/idesk/dot.ideskrc ~/.ideskrc
Then make this app autostart on WM to run it.

To Change Background Wallpaper on idesk:

$nano ~/.ideskrc
Background File & Background Source :
Idesk - icon Manager for window manager (icewm, fluxbox, openbox, etc)
Change source to folder background, and file to background file directly.

Create Icons on desktop:

A simple and easy way.
$nano ~/.idesktop/yourfile.lnk
and add text like this: (capital letter sensitive)
table Icon
  Caption: App Title
  ToolTip.Caption: Teel about your apps
  Icon: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/yourapps.png
  Width: 32
  Height: 32
  X: 977
  Y: 369
  Command[0]: appcommand

table Icon
  Caption: Chromium
  ToolTip.Caption: Google's OSS Web Browser
  Icon: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/chromium.png
  Width: 32
  Height: 32
  X: 977
  Y: 369
  Command[0]: chromium

And here's the result:

Idesk - icon Manager for window manager (icewm, fluxbox, openbox, etc)

And how about X & Y, leave it same as above, you can move it by using your mouse... ^_^.

That's it about idesk
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