Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to install xscreensaver on Archlinux

Need some screensaver on archlinux, i recommend xscreensaver, this apps is screensaver manager for linux operating system. From the author, xscreensaver is a collection of free screen savers  for X11, MacOS and iOS
It's available for macos and ios, too. xscreensaver created by
by Jamie Zawinski

Xscreensaver is available on archlinux official repo too.

To install it.
open Terminal
#pacman -S xscreensaver

After installing it, this apps will automaticly run. Then to manage xscreensaver, click on start -> preferences -> screensaver (for LXDE desktop)

How to install xscreensaver on Archlinux

There are lot of screensaver to choose, from simple screensaver to advanced graphics screensaver, choose that suitable with your VGA.

By default it will show after 10 minutes, and change every 10 minutes if you choose randomize screensaver. Here's some snapshot of screensaver.

How to install xscreensaver on Archlinux
Jumping Cow

How to install xscreensaver on Archlinux
3D hole

How to install xscreensaver on Archlinux
Line colour

For 3D screensaver, your VGA driver must be setup correctly, if not the framerate will be low. For installing NVIDIA, Intel, and ATI driver just check my posts or tags on category of my blogs.

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