Yesterday i was post about GTKPacman, but today i found a better Pacman GUI Manager on Archwiki. It's pacmanXG4. Yet another GUI for pacman and yaourt. Depends neither GTK nor Qt, only X11.
UPDATE:2019,this apps no longer available on AUR.This software is available on AUR. But for better Function you need to install these packages first:
1. Wget
$sudo pacman -S wget
2. Pkgfile
$sudo pacman -S pkgfile
3. Yaourt
Install package-query first
$tar -xvzf package-query.tar.gz
$cd package-query
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz
Install Yaourt.
$tar -xvzf yaourt.tar.gz
$cd yaourt
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz
you can skip step 4-5 below, by doing
$yaourt -S pacmanxg4-binpacmanxg4-bin & deps will be installed automaticly
4. Repacman
$tar -xvzf repacman.tar.gz
$cd repacman
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz
5. SSX
$tar -xvzf ssx.tar.gz
$cd ssx
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz
After you install above packages then you can continue to install PacmanXG4:
$tar -xvzf pacmanxg4-bin.tar.gz
$cd pacmanxg4-bin
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz
Now application is installed you can run it on Accesories menu -> PacmanXG4.
Insert su password (root password), or sudo (user password), make sure you have added your user to sudoers.
Here's the GUI of pacmanXG4 :
Package from official repo:
Package from AUR: You must search your needed packages, because this will not autoload package database from AUR,
To enable downgrade feature, just install downgrade from pacmanXG4 (for testing pacmanXG4) B-)
If you see Edit PKGBuild just click no to continue, or yes if you want to edit. And the procedure will look same as installing AUR packages from terminal but it's automaticlly. :D
Well, pacmanxg4 is better for GUI management for pacman software manager, for updating, upgrading, downgrade, and installing packagse from AUR.
Enjoy pacmanXG4 on archlinux.