Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to install LXDE Admin on Archlinux - GUI Configuration For LXDE Desktop

LXDE admin is A collection of tools to configure your desktop under LXDE. With this application, you can configure your LXDE desktop on archlinux easily.

To install it on Archlinux, open terminal then get the apps from AUR:
Automake 1.11 (For build LXadmin): (Latest automake on official repo not recognized)
$tar -xvzf automake-1.11.tar.gz
$cd automake-1.11
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz

LX-Admin: (git version)
$tar -xvzf lxadmin-git.tar.gz
$cd lxadmin-git
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz
Font Settings
And here's the LXDE Configuration Application.

LXDE Control Panel:
How to install LXDE Admin on Archlinux - GUI Configuration For LXDE Desktop
If you get red mark on Configure Openbox, you need to install obconf
$sudo pacman -S obconf

Openbox Keyboard binding:
How to install LXDE Admin on Archlinux - GUI Configuration For LXDE Desktop

Keyboard & Mouse Configuration:
How to install LXDE Admin on Archlinux - GUI Configuration For LXDE Desktop

Monitor Settings (To change monitor resolution):
How to install LXDE Admin on Archlinux - GUI Configuration For LXDE Desktop

Managing Session setting:
You must install lxsession-edit from AUR.
$tar -xvzf lxsession-edit.tar.gz
$cd lxsession-edit
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz
How to install LXDE Admin on Archlinux - GUI Configuration For LXDE Desktop

Configure Fonts (This cannot be used for changing font style):
How to install LXDE Admin on Archlinux - GUI Configuration For LXDE Desktop

For screensaver, you must install xscreensaver first. And for other settings is default settings when you install LXDE.

Now you can manage your LXDE desktop in one Place using LXDE administrator / LXDE Control Panel on Archlinux.

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