Friday, January 11, 2013

How to install libreoffice on Archlinux

Best office suites for most linux distribution is Libreoffice. You will get word proccessor, presentation, spreadsheet, drawing, and database software. This office available on Archlinux repositories.

To install it.
#pacman -S libreoffice
If there's language option choose that you needs, and the others just enter.

If done, libreoffice will available on office menu.

Here's the snapshot.

How to install libreoffice on Archlinux

How to install libreoffice on Archlinux
Calc, or Excel on Ms.Office

How to install libreoffice on Archlinux
Impress, Power Point on Ms. Office

How to install libreoffice on Archlinux

How to install libreoffice on Archlinux
Writer, Word on MS.Office

Some feature that insteresting to me  "Save as to PDF", so you can save document directly into PDF, you can create ebook with it. and without additional software. :D

And for opening microsoft file (docx, pptx, xlsx) the results is not 100% same, but looks better than open offices.

Enjoy libreoffices.
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