Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to install Kompozer a WYSIWYG Html editor on Archlinux

Searching WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editor on Archlinux. Then you can try kompozer . This application is available on Archlinux User repository. (AUR).

About Kompozer:
KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing.

KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-technical computer users who want to create an attractive, professional-looking web site without needing to know HTML or web coding.

Official Sites:

The AUR URL is on here:

To install it just follow this on terminal.
$tar -xvzf kompozer.tar.gz
$cd kompozer
$makepkg -s
$sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz
Done Kompozer is installed.

To run this application, start -> Internet -> Kompozer, here's the default GUI of this applications, with "tip of the day" windows open :

How to install Kompozer a WYSIWYG Html editor on Archlinux

Kompozer Preview Mode:

How to install Kompozer a WYSIWYG Html editor on Archlinux

Kompozer Normal Mode:

How to install Kompozer a WYSIWYG Html editor on Archlinux

Kompozer HTML Tags:

How to install Kompozer a WYSIWYG Html editor on Archlinux

Split betwen design and source on Kompozer:

How to install Kompozer a WYSIWYG Html editor on Archlinux

Kompozer Source editor only:

How to install Kompozer a WYSIWYG Html editor on Archlinux

That's it some screenshot of kompozer, i usually using this when edit html.
Enjoy Kompozer on Archlinux.

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